Cab-Counselor is an experiment. An experiment to have your narrative heard, and hopefully, feel better as you continue your journey in life.

Your Cab Counselor has 11 degrees, some being Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy and Religious Studies. You can read a little bit at the website: EmpathicGuru.com

Your Cab Counselor has had over 10 years of experience in crisis and life couch counseling. Has helped 100’s of individuals in dealing with and shining a light on the questions you want answers to.

Let’s try something different.

How about a ride share service that not only gets to your psychical destination but also to your spiritual and mental clarity.


- “I just need to talk. My wife is in Vegas with another man and just texted me a picture of them in bed. I’m so upset right now and need to talk.”

- “After my husband died last year, I have turned to drugs to cope. I attend meetings and rehab, but it still makes me so sad to be without my husband.”

- “Do you believe in God? I have so many questions because of my family relentlessly attacking my beliefs. I just want to understand myself.”

At Cab-Counselor, we offer rides that are scheduled at least 3-4 days in advance. We want to be the preferred service for longer drives to important services: medical, work sites, airport, travel, and chauffeuring. But not only can you get to your destination, but the service could also just be the ride to vent, share, talk about the things in your life that need enlightenment.











Email: PickUUpApp1111@gmail.com
Phone: ZEN-GOD-1111